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Hammer In at Fort King Historic Landmark

  • When: Saturday, February 24, 2024, 10:00 am -  3:00 pm
  • Location: Fort King National Historic Landmark I 3925 E. Fort King St. Ocala, FL 34470
  • Cost: Free

Blacksmiths belonging to the Florida Artist Blacksmith Association (FABA) will be showcasing their talents and skills during Fort King's first Hammer In! As the year anniversary of the Blacksmith Shop opening approaches in May, members from the Gainesville and Central Florida region will celebrate the occasion by designing and forging historically accurate hardware and functional tools to accentuate the Blacksmith Shop, blockhouses and gate doors of the Fort itself.

The public is invited to this free event to see the blacksmith shop in action and learn from masters of the trade as they work around the shop on 15+ portable forges. Forged in the Fire champion, and construction site lead, Keith Hill, will be in attendance to share how he continues to teach the community visiting Fort King about 1800s history and techniques.

Parking for this event will be held at the Duke Energy Lot and a shuttle will be available for transportation to the Fort.



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