Would you like your business featured on Fun4OcalaKids.com? Featured listings give you a 2nd listing ...
This group is for Moms and Dads in Ocala looking to make friends with other moms in Ocala. Feel secu ...
A place to get to know other Moms, Share experiences, Advice, Recommendations.
We are a support group designed just for you, the at-home mother! You are interested in the world ar ...
Hi Moms!! This is a group for moms to connect, share and help each other out. Please visit our Faceb ...
MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers, and by preschoolers we mean kiddos from birth through kinde ...
Small and friendly (and free) homeschool cooperative (co-op) for children in grades K-2. All are wel ...
Walking through motherhood together. Walks, play dates, and MNO each month.
I hope this group can bring together moms who would like to meet up in person. We can have small get ...
Here is where you can connect with other parents in the Ocala Florida area and find out information ...
We are a co-operative style, secular, inclusive activity group for all ages in Marion County. We hav ...
Smart Tinkering Artsy Tots Playgroup. A group of moms who get together for the purpose of fellowship ...
A place to let your guard down, come together and support one another. Each group is locally support ...