Time To Ride is a program of the American Horse Council (AHC), a Washington, DC-based nonprofit association representing all segments of the horse industry. Time To Ride’s purpose is to foster the next generation of knowledgeable, dedicated horse owners by introducing school-age children to horse care and horseback riding in a safe, welcoming environment.
As a Time To Ride Program Facility, Bobbin Hollow Equestrian Center utilizes a prescribed curriculum to teach children about horse care and handling in addition to horseback riding. Through an introductory series of weekly lessons, kids learn how to properly groom a horse, parts of the horse, parts of a saddle and bridle, as well as basic riding skills.
We will be working with local schools and youth groups in the coming months to offer the Time To Ride Program to youngsters in our area. Bobbin Hollow Equestrian Center is one of only three approved Time To Ride Programs in the state of Florida.