Explore and create in the Appleton’s art classes, workshops and drop-in activities for children and families. All programs are led by experienced educators.
When you visit the museum, stop by the Artspace. The Artspace is a vibrant makerspace featuring family-friendly, hands-on activities and is open during museum hours.
Visit the Online Resources page for educational content such as videos with art projects, crossword and jigsaw puzzles, and more.
Outreach Programs:
The Appleton is pleased to provide resources to teachers, schools, homeschoolers and parents to enrich children’s education. Whether students come to us, or we bring the wonder of the Appleton to your classroom, we help the world of art come alive for young people.
Thanks to generous funding from the David & Lisa Midgett Foundation and an anonymous donor, two free teaching posters are available. Lesson plans and other educational materials are available, including topics to inspire core-curriculum and art teachers.
The Appleton can bring the museum to you! Trained instructors will visit your school to tell stories, share hands-on artifacts and provide educational materials for teachers.
There are three programs for grades 3-6 that introduce various areas of the museum’s permanent collection:
- Africa: An introduction to life on a large continent
- Asia: The elegant cultures of China and Japan
- Ancient Civilizations: How the art of Egypt, Greece and Rome influence us today
Presentations are intended for 25-30 students and should last one class period. Presentations for high school students are available by request.
The Appleton-On-The-Go Outreach Program is free and made possible thanks to grant funding provided by Marion Cultural Alliance and other donors, as well as the work of museum educators and docents.