It's FREE and Marion County has over 95 providers – and growing! Let the ELCMC help you find a program and get enrolled today! VPK prepares four-year-old children for kindergarten through quality programs that include high literacy standards, accountability, appropriate curricula, substantial instructional periods, manageable class sizes and quality instructors. The Coalition certifies all VPK providers.
There is no charge to parents for the VPK instructional hours, and the parent chooses the provider that the child is to attend. The number of instructional hours and the specific times per day varies by provider.
VPK classes may begin at the start of the school year, in January and a condensed summer session, depending on location. In Marion County, school-year VPK classes are provided through licensed private and faith-based centers, licensed family child care homes, as well as several public elementary school sites. The summer classes are available predominately through public elementary school sites as well as several private child care sites. Registration is through the Coalition office. Staff will provide parents with a list of certified VPK providers to choose from.