Promiseland Academy is a Christian-based daycare and preschool predicated on caring for and training children from a Christian perspective and foundation. Our goal is to prepare your child for entrance into elementary school. We offer the following unique services with smaller classroom settings and a new consumer friendly fee schedule:
- Daycare (1-5 years)
- FREE VPK Preschool
- VPK Wraparound Care
- Before & After Care
We pride ourselves in staying within state guidelines for classroom ratios. We also accept ELC assistance for daycare and VPK wraparound care. FREE VPK is available as a regular part of our services.
WEE Learn Curriculum now being offered Promiseland is now utilizing the Weekday Early Education (WEE) Learn curriculum ages 12 months – VPK to better help children develop foundational skills that are appropriate to, but also challenging to their age group, in a variety of communication disciplines like pre-reading, pre-writing, and language.