211 UWMC

Disaster Preparedness Week Starts Today


Today starts the Florida Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday (May 29–June 4) to stock up on qualifying disaster preparedness supplies exempt from tax. For more information and a list of qualifying items, visit floridarevenue.com/disasterprep.

New to Florida? Visit FEMA’s website for general information on how to prepare and protect yourself this hurricane season.

Have You Had Your Hepatitis A Vaccination?

And if you have, have you gotten the second one? The initial dose provides 95% protections, but the second dose is recommended for long-term protection.

Either way, the Department of Health here in Marion county is providing both immunizations for free in their offices and at pop-up locations throughout the county. It is important that everyone gets vaccinated as Florida had over 3,000 people get infected last year and Marion county had over 140 of those cases!

If you or someone you know needs information on Hepatitis A vaccinations or other health related resources 211 is available 24/7, 365 days a year and can be reached by dialing 211, texting your zip code to 898-211, chat or visiting our online database!

The Census Wants You To Count

Between March 12th and March 20th you should receive your 2020 Census form(s) in the mail and you, like many other people, may not be sure what to do or why you need to complete it. You can complete the form that you receive in the mail, complete it online, over the phone or a census worker will come to you if you are unable or do not do the other methods (no need to call for an appointment, they know).

This is important process as it helps decide the distribution of funding for services like infrastructure and redistricting political representatives (its also a good opportunity if you are looking for temporary employment!)

For more info on the Census you can visit for the most up to date and accurate information.

UWMC Wants To Get You Filed

It is that time of year again where United Way of Marion County provides free tax preparation offered by IRS trained volunteers.

All you need to do to schedule an appointment at one of the 5 locations in Marion county is call 211, text your zip code to 898-211, chat with a 211 specialist or self-schedule online.

Open Enrollment, Get Covered by Dec. 15th

Did you know the deadline to enroll or re-enroll for healthcare through the marketplace is this Sunday, December 15th?

The Health Insurance Marketplace helps people find affordable health insurance who don’t have coverage through their employer, Medicaid or Medicare. Anyone who lives in the U.S., is a U.S. citizen and is not incarcerated is eligible for coverage, and some households may qualify for a tax credit. Learn more here.

It can feel intimidating, but finding help, and finding a plan is easier than ever. Be sure to pick your plan by December 15 so you have coverage starting with the beginning of the new year!


211 is available 24/7, 365 days a year and can be reached by dialing 211, texting your zip code to 898-211, chat or visiting our online database!

VITA Wants You!

United Way of Marion County is looking for volunteers who are interested in preparing income taxes for free through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.  No experience necessary and free certification training is provided by IRS certified instructors.

You could help change the life of a low-income working family by volunteering at one of our centers.  Volunteers are needed to be tax preparers, greeters and interpreters.  We cannot do this alone.  We need you to invest in the lives of struggling families in Marion County.

For more information on volunteering call Doug MacPhail at 352-355-1225.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic violence affects everyone. 1 in 4 women, 1 in 9 men and 1 in 2 people who are transgender have or will experience some degree of relationship violence in their life. 1 in 15 children will witness relationship violence. In Marion county alone, 9 people have lost their lives due to domestic violence in 2019. These statistics make awareness of the issue and support for those impacted by domestic violence all the more important to prevent and stop it.

If you or someone you know are experiencing domestic violence and need help to leave, discuss a safety plan or are in need of support due to past experience, 211 is available 24/7 365 days a year to connect you with resources in your area.


Happy Holidays!

It may only be the first week of fall but some programs that help with holiday gifts are going to be accepting applications soon! Call 211 today and make sure you and your family are prepared for the holidays!

211 is available 24/7, 365 days a year and can be reached by dialing 211, texting your zip code to 898-211, chat or visiting our online database!

Marion County Wants To Keep You Alert!


You may know the Emergency Operation Center can notify you on your landline if there is a tornado, hurricane or other extreme weather event in the area, but what if you don’t have a landline?

Alert Marion is the answer, it is a free and confidential service provided to Marion county residents and business to receive alerts by phone, text or email to notify you about anything that could be an imminent threat to health and safety. This can include severe weather, flooding, road closures, disaster recovery centers and more.

Be sure to sign up now to stay informed, and if you need information on any other disaster related resources remember 211 is available 24/7 and can be reached by dialing 211, texting your zip code to 898-211, chat or visiting our online database!

Back to School!

2-1-1 is available 24/7 and can be reached by dialing 2-1-1, texting your zip code to 898-211, chat or visiting our online database!

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